Brushy Creek Gifts

Brushy Creek Gifts is an eclectic mix of gift and home decor items.  I have focused the current selection at Mulberry Market on kitchen related items.  
Some of the items I have brought to Mulberry Market include:
Mason Cash bowls have been made by the same company since 1880 and you see these bowls in use on the Great British Baking show!  I have also included a selection of Swedish Dishcloths which are amazing because they dry out so quickly that they don't start to stink like a normal dishcloth will and after 6-9 months you can throw it in the compost pile.  And the always popular Skrubba--a scrubber that works on everything from pots and pans, sinks, stovetops, vegetables, and even a buggy windshield!  Possibilities with the Skrubba are endless.  Brown Sugar Disc is another winner.  The brown sugar disc will help keep your brown sugar soft.